Proof in the Prints
In 1976, paleoanthropologist Mary Leakey
discovered the oldest known hominin footprints. The footprints, in Laetoli,
Tanzania, have been dated to around 3.66 million years ago and are thought to
have been left by members of the species Australopithecus
afarensis. They consist of two parallel tracks: undisturbed prints
from a single individual and a set of overlapping prints from at least two
ancient primates.
(Courtesy Professor Matthew Bennett, Bournemouth University)
Digital models of hominin footprints
In the decades since the discovery, attention has focused
on the undisturbed prints, in part because the overlapping ones have been
considered too fragmentary to study. Experts have estimated that the individual
who left the undisturbed prints stood just over four feet, three inches, and
walked at around 1.4 miles per hour. However, there has been extended debate
over how efficiently this individual’s feet worked compared with those of
modern humans. Formulating answers to this question has been complicated by the
limited sample size—a single track from just one individual.
But now, a team at Bournemouth University in England has
developed a software package called DigTrace and created a digital model of the
footprints left by one of the other individuals. The team used the software,
which is also being applied to modern crime scene analysis, to create 3-D scans
of the overlapping footprints and isolate one set. They estimate that the
individual who left these was around five feet tall, and walked at approximately
the same pace as the individual who left the undisturbed prints. Team leader
Matthew Bennett says that comparison of the two sets of footprints suggests
that the feet of these individuals worked at a level of efficiency similar to
that of modern humans. “This debate has raged for 40 years based on the gait of
one individual representing an entire species,” Bennett adds. “Now, at least,
we’re making the debate on the basis of two individuals.”
(resources: DANIEL WEISS, Archaeology
Magazine, 13/06/2016)